SYMPOSIA AND CONFERENCES: Invited Participant or Organizer
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Neuroscience Symposium annual meeting, 1991, Washington, DC.
- Sensory Transduction Symposium, 3rd IBRO World Congress, Montreal, 1991
- Sensory Transduction, Society of General Physiologists 45th Annual Symposium, Woods Hole, MA, 1991
- Signal Transduction in Biological Systems, Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, 3rd Cycle, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, 1992
- The Molecular Basis of Smell and Taste Transduction, CIBA Foundation Symposium No. 179, London, 1993
- Lecturer, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Biophysics, Erice, Italy, 1995
- 50th Anniversary Unilever Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1996
- SmithKline Beecham Symposium, The Sense of Smell, Assmanshausen, Germany, 1997
- Olfaction and Taste Symposium, Annual Meeting, Society for Neurochemistry, Boston, MA, 1997
- Olfaction symposium, Annual Meeting International Society of Neurochemistry, Berlin 1999
- Olfaction symposium, International Brain Research Organization, Jerusalem, 1999
- Keynote speaker, Duke University Neuroscience Retreat, 2000
- Co-organizer, Chemical Senses Gordon Conference, Newport, RI, 2001
- Co-director, International School and Conference on Chemical Senses, sponsored by the Abdu Saalam ICTP and UNESCO, Trieste, Italy, 2002
- Organizer, AAAS Symposium on Olfaction, 2003
- Dahlem Conference on Micro Circuits in the Brain, Berlin, Germany, 2004
- Blankenese Conference, Neurobiology of Chemical Senses, Hamburg, Germany, 2005, 2008
- JASTS Keynote speaker, Fukuoka, Japan, 2006
- Grass Lecturer, Front Range Neuroscience Group, Colorado, 2006
- Keystone Symposium, 2007, 2008
- Conference on the Chemosensory Perception, Firmenich, Inc, Geneva, Switzerland, 2006
- Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds International Titisee Conferences, Sensory Transduction, 2010
- Adrian Lecture in Neuroscience, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, 2011
- Keynote speaker, Stanford University Neuroscience Retreat, 2012
- Keynote speaker, University of Science and Technology, Daegu University, South Korea, 2012
- Kavli Lecture, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 2013