// Scientists who have visited Ignorance – Stuart Firestein

Stuart Firestein


Elizabeth Miller, Biology
Brian Greene, Astrophysics, Mathematics
Carol Prives, Biology, cancer
Ron Breslow, Chemistry
John Morgan, Mathematics


Frances Champagne, Psychology; Epigenetics and Behavior
David Helfand, Astronomy
Irene Pepperberg, Psychology; animal cognition
Klaus Lachner, Geo-engineering
Liam Paninski, Statistics, Neuroscience
Truman Brown, Neuroscience, fMRI
Shahid Naim, Ecology


William Bialek, Systems biology
Colin Nuckols, Chemistry
David Walker, Geology
John Hunt, Biology, protein structure
John Krakauer, Neurology
Kathryn Johnson, Astronomy
Sarah Wooley, Neuroscience; bird song


Robert Friedman, Mathematics
Brent Stockwell, Chemical biology
Fritz Paerels, Astronomy
Harmen Bussenmaker, Biology; computational  genetics
Kevin Ochsner, Psychology; cognition
Laura Kaufman, Chemistry
Piet Hut, Astrophysics
Scott Small, Neurology


Nate Sawtell, Neuroscience
Randy Bruno, Neuroscience
Stefano Fusi, Computational  Neuroscience
Eitan Grinspun, Computer Vision, Animation


Joe Le Doux , Neuroscience; emotion
Jackie Gottlieb, Systems neuroscience
Larry Swan, Neuroanatomy
Mark Churchland, Systems neuroscience


Vincent Racaniello, Microbiology & Immunology
Carl Hart, Psychology & Psychiatry
William Zajc, Physics
Joseph F. Traub, Computer Science
Leslie Vosshall, Neuroscience & Neurogenetics


Caleb Scharf, Astrobiology
Francis Cuss, CSO Bristol Myers, Squibb Pharmaceutical
Veronica Vieland, Quantitative & Computational Biology, Pediatrics & Statistics
Steven A. Siegelbaum, Neuroscience & Pharmacology
James P. Curley, Psychology
Hasok Chang, History & Philosophy of Science
Emanuel Derman, Industrial Engineering